Dale People
Sources:  Maud Hollingworth, Harvey Cross, Bagshaw’s Derbyshire 1846 and MM

Inhospitable people’  Ward notes.
Harvey Cross:  Harvey a drummer, because he was courting Chris;  
used to practise till 2 am
granddad was manager at the pit, father 1st deputy, Mr Churchill
2nd – he lived on No Man’s
                       father was a pork butcher in Smalley, then to Moor
                      granddad used to be a coach driver for Lord at Eastwood
                       Harvey  left school at 13, worked for Fred Edwards on Sat nights as a                                                   conductor, also 7.30 am to 7 pm for 2/6 per week, Co-op bread
                                     delivery 13/5 per week;  
                        1 year later back to grocery 10/-, then to Cotmanhay;  walked to work (she did say they were notes......)

For many decades Harvey was a Church Warden at All Saints, Dale Abbey
Maud Hollingworth:  
      Maud’s  mother’s grandmother built White Cottage
     father’s uncle John built the  Carpenter’s Arms
     father’s cousin built S end Maud’s cottage (now ‘The Croft’)
     sister Lily, Lionel Fryer’s mother, organist
     mother married 1884
     ancestor Revd Joseph Hollingworth (1781 - 1836), Wesleyan minister; he had brothers
        William, John and Benjamin and a sister Elizabeth who died in her youth (MM)

At the dissolution of the abbey (1538) the canons included Messrs. Henry Cross, Wheatley, Powtell and Thatcher