Dale Village

Sources:  Maud, Harvey, and Bagshaw ‘s Derbyshire 1846, Trueman and Marston’s History of Ilkeston, 1899, and Ball Aspects, Pioneer Aug 1854

‘We wondered in our hearts whether a visit to the Crystal Palace would teach
a better lesson than low-lying Dale can afford.’  
‘”Go to Depedale” would be our advice to anyone who wishes to see a picture
of primitive life – to enjoy rural scenery, and to have a day of converse
with the past.’
Long and verbose poem by Montgomery begins:  The glory hath departed
from thee, Dale!
‘There is no pub in the village.’  (Pioneer 1854)

Population: 1644 54 people owned hearth
            main house was Southwood Grange with 8 fireplaces;
  22 of 75 householders exempt from hearth tax due to
1794 84 houses, 407 people – of 113 men, 82 employed in
agriculture, 17 in trading, 12 in knitting stockings.
1 of the last living in hermitage, wife bore son
there (T&M)
1801 73 houses, 414 people, 83 families (Ball)
1811 76 houses, 412 people, 77 families (Ball)
1831 84 houses, 407 people, 84 families, 113 men over 21
1846 1760 acres, partly clay, sand and marl
94 houses, 400 inhabitants – 198 male, 202 female
rateable value £1617 12s
1895 rateable value £2681, population 399
1899 1760½ acres, 399 people, rateable value £2670
1934 Kirk Hallam added to Dale (Ball)

Geology: coal measures, clay lowlands and soil
 my notes refer to more geology somewhere…

Crops grown:  1740 chamomile
  late 18th century 21 year leases
1801 oats and barley, turnips
1840s mixed farming, fair proportion arable