Maud’s house: south end built by her father’s cousin
Chapel: original founded 1791 – foundation stone
    nearly destroyed by fire 1844 but rebuilt by 1846
    funny advert for service 1857
    rebuilt 1902 – original was nearer to road
Carpenter’s Arms: Maud’s father’s uncle John Hollingworth built it
Cottage on site of Cross Lea: school caretaker’s
Ashtree Farm: Joe Wright lived there, worked mill
    empty for years, then Chris’s family
Harvey’s house: built March 1939
Moor: 8 more houses included dame school
   c. 14 houses (Maud)
Flourish pub:  Stanhope Arms
Bartlewood Farm: Maud’s father

Estate Management: 1912-1919 Mr Charles Wright.  Then Estates Dept begun, under Mr
               A.F. Holden (Ball)
Employment:  1794 113 men – 82 in agriculture, 17 trading, 12 knitting stockings
      mostly agriculture and mining
      allotments and gardens Lynehams googegogs
      4 allotments above Thelgarth
      bellpits and canal transport
      iron furnace notes mention details of size, burden, cast, somewhere…
      predates furnaces, begun 1842
      nature of ironstone
      ironworks extent of Stanton Ironworks 1955
            begun 27 Apr 1846 by Benjamin Smith and son Josiah, 3 small blast furnaces
             each making 18-20 tons pig iron a  day.  Transported by Erewash Canal (Ball)
coal Kilburn coal seam outcrops by Carpenters
   names of seams etc
   extent of coal measures 45 square miles
   footrills, then opencast, worked out by 1920
   tubs pulled by horses, very good coal (Ball)
   70’ chimney demolished 22 Jun 1920
   fatal accident 1894
   footrill and fault, trucks with chain
   pit at Ladywood
   still going in 1st World War