Newhouse Abbey, Lincs.
The 1st English Premonstratensian house (WILLIS, C41); founded 1143, it had 11 daughter houses, of which Dale Abbey was the youngest (C41).
It sent Walter (WILLIS has William erroneously) de Senteney plus *9 (WILLIS) *8 (CLARK) canons to found Dale Abbey *c.1198 (WILLIS) *in the time of Abbot Lambert (FOX). Walter had already founded Easby Abbey (Yorks) (WARD) in 1152 (THOMPSON).
Lambert's predecessor was Adam, who *transferred from Torre Abbey (Devon) in 1199 (CLARK) *is last mentioned in 1199 (C40). Lambert appears in records during *1200 (CLARK) *1203 (C40).
A statute said that a new abbot should not be sent to a daughter abbey until it had an oratory, dormitory, guest chamber and porter’s lodge (so presumably those were in place by 1199 or thereabouts when the first canons arrived) (C/WC).
The remains are in a small wood east of the lake in Brocklesby Park. They are marked by extensive foundation mounds with bits of chalk rubble. The cloister was c. 100' square, the church to the north; there was a rectangular chapter house in the usual place (CLAPHAM).
It was founded by Peter *de Gausela (C40) *de Gousle = Goxhill (THOMPSON), a daughter house of *St Mary and St Martial (THOMPSON) Licques, *dedicated to St Martial, whose relics they procured in 1163 (C/WC).
It had a lot of marshy land for sheep pasture, also several village churches with their incomes (C/WC).
The abbot of Newhouse always supervised the election of a new superior in Dale when the abbacy fell vacant and had the right of visitation for correction here (C41).