Many details of the order’s government are given in C/WC, and of the relationship of the crown and abbot in C41E.

A new constitution was adopted in 1883 (ERE).

In the modern day:  5 circaries or provinces, 17 abbeys, 5 priories, 3 of the 3rd order, besides parishes, missions, and a few colleges.  The members number 997 men and 258 women (ERE).

‘This order has rendered signal services to Christianity by its missions on the banks of the Elbe and the Oder and in the Low Countries, by the institution of hospices for pilgrims, the making of roads and canals, the foundation of libraries and schools, but especially by its reform of the clergy and the foundation of parishes.  It even had an influence on architecture.  It has produced also a certain number of chroniclers, historians, and ecclesiastical writers’ (ERE).

Abbeys must have no fewer than 13 canons including the abbot, and the creation of buildings required the agreement of 2 local abbots (C/WC).
Premonstratensian abbeys were always of moderate size because their founders were not of 1st rank;  consequently their abbots were less powerful than the Benedictines’ or Augustinians’ (C/WC).

Canons wore unbleached white habits (WARD) and did not remove cloaks, belts or shoes when going to bed (in case of the 2nd Coming)  (C41).

They did not educate children, but novices were expected to be well-educated (WARD).

The order was austere and secluded, ascetic and contemplative in England, but evangelistic in Germany (C43), possessing churches from an early date (BARNES).  It had a reputation for austerity second only to the Carthusians':  vegetarian diet, heavy labour, frequent fasts and vigils, abject poverty, clothes teeming with vermin (C/WC).
However, they were living very comfortably by the time of the suppression, (e.g., feather beds, silver spoons, etc.)  (C43).

Canons had to confess to their superior 3 times a year;  they kept silence in Church, cloister, refectory and dormitory and were not to remove cloaks, belts or shoes when going to bed. They were to buy nothing but clothing unless ordered to by the abbot (C41).