Remnants Elsewhere .
(1) Windows.
(a) The best stained glass in the county (PEVSNER).
In the North aisle of Morley Church (WARD, COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE), which seems to have been rebuilt for their addition (BAILEY, C39G).
One is at the east end of the church (COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE).
They came from the cloister (WARD, H83, C39, C43 all contradicting KERRY and FOX 68, 72, COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE, who said they were from the refectory). BAILEY quotes both opinions and follows HOPE.
*4 (WARD).
*5 4 lighted windows, square-headed, Perpendicular (COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE).
*Perpendicular, erected under Abbots Spondon and Stanley, 15th century glass (WARD);
*constructed under Abbot John Stanley (COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE);
* glass figures dated second half of the 14th century, the rest of windows 15th century probably under Abbot Stanley 1478-82 (BAILEY, C39).
They are not complete because there were 6 windows to each side of the cloister (WARD).
They were installed at Morley by Sir Henry Sacheverell (C39, C43), not Francis Pole as in FOX.
He had probably bought them from Pole (COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE, C39G).
There is a detailed description of their content in C39G.
(i) BVM on left, legend of St Ursula in the middle, St Mary Magdalene on the right. The Ursula picture is unique in this country. For the legend see BAILEY.
(ii) The legend of the Invention of the Holy Cross by St Helena, in 10 compartments.
(iii) *The legend of St Robert of Knaresborough and the deer (FOX82). The first compartment is entirely new (in the restoration - see below), but based on a sketch by Elias Ashmole who visited Morley in August 1662 (C39).
*13th century hermit (WARD).
*Pilkington (1789) thought this glass represented the throwing out of the Calke canons.
*WHITE (1857) thought it referred to the legend that the King gave the canons as much land as they could encircle in a day, using a plough pulled by deer.
They originally had heavy wooden shutters, but these were removed at the end of the 18th century (COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE) due to decay (C39G); this led to heavy pilfering of glass (COMPTON-BRACEBRIDGE, BAILEY).