The possessions of the abbey in 1535, (fn. 23) including the parsonages of Shepherdswell, River, Portslade, Postling, Leysdown, and Alkham, and the manors of River, Shepherdswell, Hawkinge, and Pising, amounted to the value of £142 8s. 9d. yearly; but deductions for rents, fees, pensions, and obits brought the net income down to £98 9s. 2½d. It was consequently dissolved under the Act of 1536. The canons appear to have tried to make the most of their last days, for a correspondent writes (fn. 24) to Cromwell that 'the abbot of St. Radegund's is setting men to fell his woods at a great pace, and, if Cromwell does not stop him, will do much harm to the place, one of the properest in Kent.' Thomas Dale, prior, received a pension of 20 marks, (fn. 25) and it is probable that he is identical with Thomas, who was abbot in 1532. (fn. 25a)
The site of the monastery was leased (fn. 26) to Richard Kays on 10 May, 1537, for twenty-one years at a rent of £13 10s. 8d. and on 31 July, 1538, the reversion was granted to the archbishop of Canterbury. (fn. 27)
Leland, writing about the time of the Dissolution, says (fn. 28) of St. Radegund's: ' The Quier of the Chyrche is large and fayr. The Monastery ys at this tyme metely mayntayned, but yt appereth that yn tymes past the Buildinges have bene ther more ample then they be now.'
Abbots of St. Radegund's
Hugh (fn. 29)
Richard, (fn. 30) occurs 1222
Henry, (fn. 31) occurs 1241, 1258, 1265
John, (fn. 32) occurs 1273
William, occurs 1303, (fn. 33) 1312 (fn. 34)
Robert de Monyngeham, elected 1325 (fn. 35)
Gilbert, occurs 1328 (fn. 36)
Richard de Offynton (fn. 37)
Henry de S., resigned 1345 (fn. 38)
John R., elected 1345 (fn. 38)
Warisius de Cant', elected 1362 (fn. 39)
Richard Brygge, deposed (fn. 40) 1386-7
Clement, elected 1387, (fn. 41) occurs 1391 (fn. 41a)
John Strete, died 1396-7 (fn. 41b)
John, occurs 1415, (fn. 41c) 1421 (fn. 41d)
William, (fn. 42) occurs 1446 (fn. 42a)
John Petre, died 1454 (fn. 43)
John Chilton, elected 1454 (fn. 43)
Thomas, occurs 1464 (fn. 44)
Ingram Fraunce or Francys, (fn. 45) occurs 1475, 1482
Henry (fn. 46)