There is a tradition that the parish is exempt from diocesan tithes while the arch is still standing, so a portion of the highway rate was used to restore it c.1840-50 (WARD, elaborated C43). Freedom from tithes is actually a result of t5he extra-parochial character of Dale (C43).
In the summer of 2011 Ralph Homer said he had been reading letters from the last Ear4l Stanhope, one of which gave permission to remove stone from the site, but not to touch the arch because his mother liked it.
Tiles found in the 1878/9 excavation are preserved in the little museum of Dale (WARD, DAJ 1892). Fragments of painted glass used to be kept in a box in the museum (C39).
Earl Stanhope intended to build a museum (H80), which was built by Ward's time (WARD 92). The 7th earl was still lord of the manor in C43.
The site was scheduled as an ancient monument in 1932 (C43).