Compiler’s note: this section is downloaded from the internet, where it appears to have been scanned in. Consequently, there are innumerable peculiar spellings. I have corrected some of the obvious ones in the English, but, with only O level Latin over 50 years ago, I have not attempted to correct the Latin. You will have to use your intelligence!
The abbey of Dale, in the county of Derby and the diocese of
Coventry and Lichfield, was founded in A.D. 1204 from Newhouse.
The following list of abbots, mostly taken from MS. Cott. Vesp.
E. xxvi. f. 173, is printed in the Monasticon, vi. 897.
1199-1230. Walter de Senteney, ' sancte record ationis.'
1230-1233. William, ' vir totius prudentise'; was abbot of Premontre 1233-1236.
1233-1251. John Graunforth, ' Deo et hominibus amabilis.'
1251-1265. Hugh de Lincoln.
1265-1270. Simon.
1270-1287. Lawrence.
1287-1295. Richard de Normanton, delapidator.'
1295-1301. John de Lincoln.
1301-1304. Richard de Normanton (a second time).
1310 (oc.). William (Nos. 3, 350).
13101332. John Horsley (resigned, ' senio confectus ').
1332. John Wedhouse l (No. 353).
1332-1353. William Horsley (No. 353).
1353-1355. Roger de Kyrketon.
1355-1397. William de Boney.
1397-1436. Henry Monyaske.
1436-1469. John Spondon.
1469-1491. John Stanley (No. 65).
1491-1510. Richard Notyngham ibid., Woll. Ch. I. 78).
1516 c. John Stanton (last abbot).
350. Letter of Brother Robert of Derby to L[awrence], late Abbot Ante 1287.
of Dale. Written in behalf of Br. Edmund Pouche, a repentant apostate.