Brockley Abbey
See Bayham Abbey, S.E. Rigold, HMSO, London 1976, revised and reprinted Jonathan Coad, 1989
Abbey of the Blessed Virgin Mary (KNOWLES)
Founded before 1182 by Countess Juliana, whose first husband Hugh Bigod, earl of Norfolk, died in 1177, and Michael of Thornham or Thurnham her seneschal, (KNOWLES) and the last Walkelin Maminot, holder of one of the greatest ‘honours’ attached to Dover Castle, as a daughter of Sulby. The Thurnhams had already founded an Augustinian abbey, later demoted to a priory, at Combwell in Kent; it was hoped this would become Premonstratensian. The Thurnhams owned the land of Bayham abbey, and Robert, Michael’s brother, may have been buried there (RIGOLD)
Moved to Bayham between 1199 and 1208. It is not known why. (RIGOLD)