Newly begun 1478, almost built 1482 (H80).
A quadrangle 85' 6" square, with ambulatories *10' wide (H80) *11’ (WARD) wide.
A garth enclosed by wall with windows, with 5' thick foundations (H80).
The fences of the orchard rest on foundations of the outer walls (WARD).
The ambulatories were timber-roofed with square-headed traceried windows closely spaced and rich (see Remnants). The north and west ambulatories were higher than the refectory: The north one was used as a library, the west as a music room, the south had the lavatorium (trough for hand-washing) near the refectory door.
The east side only has been excavated. Doors: to slype, double portal of the chapter house, heavily moulded, *small pointed doorway to sacristy (WARD) *uncertain whether there was a door into the sacristy, but there was certainly one into the south transept (H80), larger doorway opening into the south transept under the night stair..
Windows extant have
(1) St Robert of Knaresborough and the Deer.
(2) St Ursula and 11 virgins ascending to heaven in a sheet.
(3) The Invention of the Cross (WARD).
These windows, late Perpendicular, are in Morley church (H83).
Portions of the tile pavement of the ambulatory were found at different levels in1879 (HOPE).
The western side of the cloister was still standing in 1730 when Dr Stukeley drew it - with Early English lancet windows and steps. It would have contained the guest house and Prior's Lodging (H80).
In 24 of the 26 British Premonstratensian abbeys where details are available, the cloister lay on the south side of the church. The exceptions are Egglestone [sic – it should be Easby] and Croxton. At Croxton the lavatory projects into the cloister and is rectangular, whereas they were usually polygonal or round and near the refectory door (CLAPHAM).