Dale Societies and structures, ctd.

Before DA school was built, children walked to Risley, then to Stanton;  
8 children went free at Scargill (West Hallam) or Risley

Existing school preceded by dame school at Moor cottages, end of Ranters’ chapel, where livery stables is now;  1 or 2d per week

School built 1869, 1st head Miss Mary Ann Sears (related to the Hollingworths [Ball]);  max. 106 children, often 90.

New school 1876, expanded (1893) heating added while Harvey and Chris were there – took longer than expected, so longer summer holiday, then back to school at the Clubhouse! (Ball);  fetched water for drinking from pump at the triangle;  well in the playground for washing hands.

Maud’s aunt 1st teacher, opened with 12 children;  2 teachers in one room – 1 teaching, 1 silent
1893: one room only with fire in the middle and log forms down each side, 1 for infants, 1 for juniors (Ball, 1969)
Lily Fryer went to school in early days – still living at Dale in 1969 aged 83  (Ball)
1893 expanded to 2 rooms
1935 kitchen and porch built on, financed by whist drives etc. (Ball)
1938 electricity installed (4th March)
1952: 18 Sept., two plays performed by arch by boys from Longmoor School, Long Eaton (an abbot election and a Redman visitation).  School attended (Ball)
1967 water flush toilets and basins installed – before most homes
(no water sanitation till 1967, and cess pit still in use, 1969)
1969 centenary celebrations – music licence for school, so performed operetta Mon 16 Jun 1969.
1978 Closed: thereafter served as the Village Hall until taken over by Stanton by Dale PCC for use as a private school.

22 Jun 1920 school log reports taking kids to see disbandment of colliery and fall of 70’ chimney.