Dale Societies and structures, ctd.
Dale School, ctd.
1869 30 kids
1879 50
1889 59
1899 90
1909 100
1919 60
1929 69
1939 27
1949 26
1959 30
1969 27 (Ball)

18 head teachers, current one (1969) Mr J. Cox, assisted by Miss Pape;  kids from surrounding area because only 8 in the  village (Ball).

Fish pond rescue: 1905, child rescued from the fish pond by Miss Lucy Bacon aged 22

Brass band:
Harvey was the drummer, Chris played the cornet;  practised in Thelgarth's orchard. Olga from Hagg House played the big drum, ran dances on Saturday nights. Smedleys were natural musicians, practised round base of mill, played for dances, Oddfellows meetings, then paraded to Stanhope Arms (Flourish)

Football team:
picture of it in Stantonian in 1890s – Chas Wheatley with 5 brothers

Ladies’ cricket team: c.1935

Dale Abbey Community Association was rooted in the school’s PTA. Initially it ran the school building as a village hall, until  Stanton by Dale PCC moved in. Thereafter it continued until 1999, initiating, among other things, annual well-dressings in the village.