Foundation Attempt Number 2.
Founded: *after 1175 (C39, PREMONS, C40F).
*1180 or after (KNOWLES),
*about 1185 (SALTMAN)
The site was granted to Premonstratensian Canons from Tupholm Abbey (Lincs) (HOPE, WARD, PREMONS).
The Chronicle does not say who summoned them (CLARK): CLARK and Colvin (40)
say *Serlo de Grendon, HOPE, WARD and SALTMAN say *William de Grendon, Serlo's son.
Started by *prior plus 6 canons (WARD)
*6 canons (H79, FOX, CLARK, SALTMAN).
The prior’s name was Henry (CLARK).
There is a legend that the king gave the canons as much land as they could encircle in a day with a plough drawn by deer; this is pictured on the windows in Morley church (WHITE, DUGDALE, LYSONS, all in error).
They had only the Gomme's land plus Thakkemore, granted by Serlo de Grendon.. He retained Boyah (CLARK). This lack of land and their requirement to be hospitable stretched their means, leading to poverty. At this stage the Priory acquired Stanley Park (WARD, FOX), and one of the lay brothers built a water mill (Baldock Mill, West Hallam) (CLARK).
They lasted for 7 years of poverty (WARD, HOPE, PREMONS).
The priory was abandoned, and the canons returned to Tupholm with the exception of Prior Henry, who was a counterfeiter and refused to return; he was forced to submit and eventually committed suicide (WARD), by cutting his veins while in the bath (CLARK, C/WC).
The area became desolate again (WARD).