Foundation Attempt Number 3.
Founded: *in or after 1194 (C40F, KNOWLES) *in 1195 (CLARK) *around 1196 (PREMONS).
The site was granted to Premonstratensian Canons from Welbeck Abbey (Notts) (WARD, HOPE, PREMONS). They were summoned by *William de Grendon (WARD) *William the Clerk (PREMONS).
The priory was started by 5 canons (WARD, C40) including William de *Hagneby (WARD) *Hagnaby (C40F), who was Prior when Thomas de Musca received his habit (WARD).
They lasted *for 5 years of misfortunes (HOPE), driven out at last by 'bad luck' and poverty. The last straw was an occasion when all the lamps fell down (WARD, FOX). *until 1200 (CLARK) *until dissolved before 1196. Hope confused the number of canons with the length of time. Negotiations to found Dale Abbey began before 1196 (C40).
Depedale Priory was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It was "of costly workmanship", so it was not the Little Church. So where was it? Why is it not the same site as Dale Abbey? (CLARK). We know it wasn't, because it was in Depedale, not Stanley Park (C40). Few (recent archaeological reports say no) architectural details from earlier than 13th century survive and they could have been moved from elsewhere. Yet why build a new Abbey when there was a good Priory? (CLARK). See Depedale and Stanley Park.