Langley Abbey


Founded as the abbey of the Virgin Mary by Robert fitz Roger and colonised from Alnwick which had been founded by his great-grandfather, in 1195.

Church built 13th century.  Tower added at west end of nave in 14th century;  seems to have had rooms in it.  Lavatory was contrived in the adjoining west wall of the cloister near the refectory.  3 aisle early13th century chapter house;  dorter divided into cubicles.  Refectory probably on the ground floor.  Small remains of an infirmary  (CLAPHAM)

1291:  well over 20 canons, when total income was assessed at over £178 and 6 or 8 churches and chapels appear to have been served.  1377:  14 canons;  1478:  16 including abbot;  1488:  17 ditto;  1494:  18 including 6 novices;  1497:  18;  1500:  14, one being away;  at dissolution:  15.  In 1536 the commissioners reported that there were 6 religious, 19 servants and 2 priests.  Other canons, serving parishes, were perhaps not counted (KNOWLES)

1502 abbot John Maxe;  c. 1517 went to be abbot at Welbeck (THOMPSON)

Net income c. 1535:  £104

Surrendered 1536.  (KNOWLES)

Most of W range, adjoining gatehouse range, part of early 13th century chapter-house and other fragments still stand.  Excavated 1921.  F.C. Elliston Erwood B.A.A. Jour.  1922, p. 49 (CLAPHAM)