Lavendon Abbey
Founded as abbey of St John the Baptist by John de Bidun between 1155 and 1158 with 13 canons, daughter of Sulby.
Temporal income in 1291: over £34. In financial difficulties in late 14th century
1478: 4 churches being served by the canons
Between 1491 and 1500: 12 canons including abbot and 2 canons serving as vicars. Before the suppression there were 11 canons including 2 novices, 4 impotent persons, 18 servants and 2 children
Daughter: Blackwose Priory
Net income c. 1535: £79
Surrendered 1536 (KNOWLES)
No remains above ground but moat and some foundation mounds mark the site (CLAPHAM)