21 B.M. Add. MSS. 4934-5 and Ashmolean MS. 1519. Printed in Collectanea Anglo-Praemonstratensia.
22 Two versions are given.
23 Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i, 57.
24 L. and P. Hen. VIII, x, 624.
25 Ibid. xiii (1), p. 577.
25 a Aug. Off. Misc. Bks. xci, fol: 53 d.
26 L. and P. Hen. VIII, xiii (i), p. 584.
27 Ibid. 1519 (68).
28 Itin. vii, 128.
29 Gervase of Canterbury, Opera (Rolls Ser.), ii, 410. He was blessed abbot by Archbishop Hubert [11931205].
30 Feet of F. Kent, 6 Hen. III.
31 Ibid. 25, 42, 49 Hen. III. Henry, prior (probably abbot) of St. Radegund's, was treasurer of the Exchequer in 49 Hen. III (Madox, Hist. of the Exchequer, 748).
32 Feet of F. Kent, 1 Edw. I.
33 See above.
34 Collectanea Angh-Premonstratensia, i, 42.
35 Cant. Archiepis. Reg. Reynolds, fol. 255b.
36 Dugdale, Mon. vii, 940.
37 Cant. Archiepis. Reg. Reynolds, fol. 198. Richard occurs in 1338 (Langdon Chart, fol. 19 d.).
38 See above.
39 Cant. Archiepis. Reg. Islip, fol. 298.
40 Langdon Chart. fol. 174.
41 Ibid. The election was conducted by the abbot of Barlings, visitor of the order in England, and the abbot of Langdon. He was afterwards forced to resign by the abbot of Welbeck, who intruded John Strete, a canon of St. Radegund's. The abbot appealed to the crown for the arrest of John Strete (see above), but the matter was in dispute for some years. Pope Boniface IX in 1393 ordered Clement to be restored (Cal. Papal Let, iv, 463), but apparently this was not dune.
41 a Assize R. 1503, m. 83.
41 b Pat. 20 Ric. II, pt. 1, m. 2. Licence to elect on his death was granted on 10 Jan. by the king, the abbey being said to be of the patronage of Richard son and heir of Richard de Ponynges. Such a licence is very unusual in the case of a Premonstratensian house.
41 c Pardon R. 2-5 Hen. V, m. 39.
41 d Assize R. 1532, m. 9.
42 Early Chan. Proe. 15, 169; he appears here as visitor of the order in England.
42 a Pardon R. 24-5 Hen. VI, m. 16.