43 Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. ix, App. pt. i, 105.
44 Chan. Warr, file 1763.
45 See above. Ingram was elected in 1464 (Cant. Archiepis. Reg. Bourchier, fol. 96), and occurs as abbot in 1471 (Early Chan. Proc. 52, 278); and in 1472 a warrant was issued for his arrest (Pat. 12 Edw. IV, pt. 1. m. 18d.). He was probably removed from office, for the abbot of Prémontré speaks of him in 1488 as a man of dissolute life (Collectanea, i, 84).
46 Ibid, 107; Bishop Redman appointed a commission for the election after his death.
47 See above.
47 a Pardon R. I Hen. VIII, pt. 3, m. 9. He had been a canon of Bay ham.
47 b Aug. Off. Misc. Bks. civ, fol. 129.
48 L. and P. Hen. VIII, iv, 6047.
48 a Aug. Off. Misc. Bks. xci, fol. 89. Grant of a pension to him on 8 April, 1530.
48 b Ibid. fol. 59.
48 c See above.
49 B.M. Seals, lxv, 5.
50 Ibid, xlvii, 460.
Parts of the early 13th century church, cloister, chapter house, dorter, 14th century tower, and refectory were made into a house; the west range and fragments of the gatehouse and farmery (?) remain. The east part of the church and farmery was excavated by St John Hope in 1880. See Arch. Cant. xiv, p. 140 (CLAPHAM).