The abbey’s debts amounted to £24 11s. 6d. (c. £725 in 1943);  Sir Henry Sacheverell £6 13s. 4d.; Agnes Brayes, a like sum;  Dawson for fish 20/-;  the church of Ilkeston for wax 3 doz.;  Dr North £4;  Piers Holland for his annuity 10/-;  Roger Colyar’s wife, of Derby, for candles, 9/-;  the vicar of St Mary’s Nottingham 4 oaks;  Robert Smyth of Derby for brick and tile 5/10;  John Halom of Stanleyfor iron and steel 20/-.  Robert Nesse, the abbey’s former bailiff, owed 20/- for woods within the enclosing of his farm (apparently Stanley Grange) and the rows and hedges thereof.  This came due next Lady day (C43)..

The Vicar of Kirk Hallam stayed there and died in 1569.  John Cadman became the chaplain of Stanton and Ralph Harrison went off to Brearston [sic] Chapel in Wilne parish.  The advowsons of Ilkeston, Kirk Hallam and Stanton were disposed of by the Commissioners.

Bebe died on Mar 12 1540/1 at Stanley Grange.

The pension list of 1555/6 records all 16 surviving pensioners (C43).

The buildings were stripped and bare (.WARD).

The Chaddesden chantry survived till 1545, when it received a favourable report from the Commissioners:  the priest kept hospitality and ministered to about 225 people, which was all the more valuable as the road to the parish church was often impassable in flood-time for 4 or 5 days together (C43).

The Commissioners made a loss of  £7. 7s. 6d. at the time, but profited in 1540 (C43).

In *1544 (WHITE) *1554 the Abbey lands were granted to Francis Pole in fee.  He conveyed them in 1554 to Sir John Port of Etwall, one of the justices of the King’s bench (WHITE, LYSONS), whose daughter Dorothy (WHITE, LYSONS) married Sir George Hastings;  his representative sold them to Sir Henry Willoughby of Risley who died in 1605, leaving 3 daughters, one with no issue (WHITE).  A moiety of the lands passed into the Grey family, then into the Dewes family (WHITE), and were purchased in 1716 from *Sir Symon Dewes (WHITE) *Symmonds (LYSONS) by the Earl of Chesterfield for his son Alexander, father of the 1st Earl Stanhope (WARD);  the other moiety was purchased in 1778 of the Earl of Stamford (WHITE) and is now the property of Lord Stanhope (LYSONS).

The Inventory:  Brit. Mus.. Addit. MSS 6698.
There is an introductory paragraph in WALCOTT and the text is printed in full in FOX.

Commissioners: John Browhill, Robert Palmer, Robert Hyll, Laurence Dawes, Thomas Bothouse, Rychard Haryson, John Palmer;  Rychard Sotton, Robert Wandell, Robert Macham, Thomas Sheton, Raffe Sowthwell.