The following was sold to Fraunces Pole the 24th Oct. Henry VIII 30.
Church: at the high altar, a table of painted wood, 2 brasses candlesticks, a lamp, choir stalls, Crucifix, Mary and John, pair of organs 20s; on the right hand side of the chancel 2 altars with 2 tables of alabaster 6s; the iron screen and woodwork round the founder's tomb 8s; the rood altar and rood; in the Lady Chapel an alabaster table, sets and wood 5s; in the small Lady Chapel an alabaster table with an image of the BVM 3s; a rood screen 20d; a clock 6s; roffes (?), iron, glass, paving stones in the church (WALCOTT) and grave stones £18.
Dorter 7s. 6d.
Vestry: 2 black satin tynacles; a black satin cope and albs; a white silk suit with a blue starred cape; a black silk suit; 8 old copes; 8 old altar cloths 40s.
Cloister: roffes (?), iron, glass, pavingstones and seats £6
Chapter House: glass, iron, paving-stones 5s.
Frater: glass, iron and paving-stones 30s.
Hall: 2 tables, 2 benches 12d.
Buttery: 4 table cloths, 6 stands 5s.
Kitchen: brass pot in a furnace; 3 brass pots, *3 (WALCOTT) *5 little pans, 3 spits, pair of coberds (probably irons supporting the spit), pot chain, 2 cressetts,1 gridiron, a pair of tongs, pestel and mortar, 40 platers, dishes and saucers 40s.
Brewhouse: 2 leads, a mashing fatte, a malt ark £4.
Yelyng House: 12 kelyng leads, a yele fatte, a cleansing fatte, 2 tubs 30s.
Bakehouse and Boultyng House: moulding board, 3 troughs, boultyng ark 2s.
Malt house: lead cistern and a hair-cloth sieve for a kiln 13s. 8d.
Bishop's chamber: old feather bed, old covering, bolster, old tester, old hanging 12s.
Bonney chamber: old feather bed, old coverlet, table with bench, hanging of ould saye (silk, I presume) 7s.
Inner chamber: feather bed, 2 old coverings, mattress 5s.