He was still alive in1555/6. Pension arrears for 6 months in 1552 were received in February 1555/6
*Gregory (C40C) *George Coke 100s.
He was still alive in 1555/6
Robert Harvey *106/8 (C43) *116s.8d.
He died at Alton (Staffs) in 1543
*Ralph Harrison (C43) *Rauffe Harysonn 100s.
He was the curate of ‘Brearston chapel in Wilne parish’ (COX quoted by C43) in 1553
He was still alive in 1555/6
John *Shelmode (C40C) *Shemolde 66s.8d.
He was still alive in 1555/6
Robert *Wilson (C43) *Wylsonn alias Herwood 66s.8d.
He signed the deed of surrender (C40C)
He *died in 1545 (C40C) *was still alive in 1555/6
Jamys Cheryholme 66s.8d.
A James Cheryholme was the chantry priest of St Nicholas’ chantry in St Peter’s, Derby, at its
dissolution, and duly received a pension of 53/4 as such (COX, quoted in C43).
He was still alive 1555/6
*James Cleyton (C43) *Jamis Cleytonn
*40s. (WALCOTT, C43) *50s.
He was still alive 1555/6
John Bateman 50s.
He signed the deed of surrender (C40C)
He was given 30/- or 40/- (c. £45 or £60 in 1943) for his immediate needs
He failed to appear before the Pension Commission in 1552
He was still alive in 1555/6
Robert *Gerard (C40C) *Jerett (may be Gerat) 16s.8d.
30s. (still alive 1555/6)
Roger Page was allowed to retain the living of Kirk Hallam, and died there in 1569; the living was worth 40s. (KH).