Aug 1497 The abbot received Robert Bredon (prior of Sulby 1475, sub-prior of Sulby 1478, 1482, 1488, 1491;  found to be apostate and incontinent and sentenced to 10 years’ banishment in Sep 1491;  he was still at Sulby in Jul 1494, when he was declared incontinent and rebellious and sentenced to 10 years’ banishment at Easby.  This was obviously not carried out, because at the provincial chapter of Sep 1495 he was ordered to be sent to Dale).  He later obtained a licence to serve a cure and was back at Sulby later in 1497.  

26 Aug 1497 More names (M).
1499/1500 Dale Abbey had the plague and many died (H83, WARD).
15 May 1500 Bishop Redman finds all well in the house.  The number of canons is smaller than it should be, on account of the plague.  He is satisfied that the abbot will increase the number when he can.  More names (M).
1505 The abbot, with the abbot of Welbeck, supervised the election at Halesowen Abbey of Edmund Green (W.Midlands) (C41E).

1506 The abbey was visited by the Abbot of Welbeck.

The will of Johanne Helme bequeathes to her son St James Agarde, Dale canon, 20s., 6 yards white woollen cloth, a feather bed, a pair of sheets, and 4 silver spoons (C43).
1510 The abbot sealed a bond to which John Kniveton of Bradley was the other. party (C41).